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GULISTAN 2016 IN BEIJING 让艺术照进生活 Lighten Life With Art

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016




Gulistan’s inspiration comes from not only eastern tradition but also from many other cultures. As a free spirited creative artist, she creates her artworks with pure artistic focus and an elegance which suggests warm light shining from afar. Gulistan creates an unusual body of work that is contemporary but is also timeles. She is not restricted by traditional styles and skills nor by populist contemporary topics or a reductive visual symbolism. Her works are beyond boundaries, created with deep conviction, they encapsulate her understanding of life and are a metaphor for the self. Travelling through time Gulistan insinuates both herself and her individual colour palette into her works thus creating very special moments in time. These moments in are delicate yet tenacious, true and refined, charged with energy, waiting quietly to be discovered.

作者Gulistan古丽斯坦品名称《品-花语》A Taste of the Flower 年代:2006 材质:布面油画Oil on Canvas 尺寸:107x140cm




Painting is Gulistan’s way of communicating; her artistic talent and exotic heritage renders her gaze and her taste uniquely beautiful. She is a genuine combination of intellect and aesthetic the result of education and experience – her paintings are like herself, profound and spare. The colours and patterns have universal appeal and the artworks evince a delicate and spiritual feeling drawing the viewer through a journey of realisation, they present the world from a unique perspective. I frequently feel that one cannot fully comprehend Gulistan’s paintings merely using one’s eyes, but rather, one should look at them one’s heart in order to finally understand the stillness at their core.



Her work is both tranquil and moving. In the series Hayden’s Piano and Guli’s Chair , The Tales ofTime, and The essence of Time, one can feel the artist’s untrammelled spirit radiating from the surface as though an angel guides the viewer through time to witness the beauty of art from on high. Viewing her work reminds us of our past and the imprints this leaves, the paintings stir and overwhelm you, then wrap you in warmth. One can see the traces of Giotto, Francesca, and Holbein, Gulistan paints as a pious follower, with whole heartedness and devotion, yet she still leaves space in her paintings so they can breathe. Her works are floating, dynamic and throughout one can see the motif of ‘human spirituality’.



Art can only move those who allow themselves to be moved. According to a report by Taiwanese media on Gulistan’s solo exhibition in Taipei: Gulistan uses her visual poetry to save heedless souls. In this world so filled with electronics, it is rare to find a rest place for the sight and the soul, yet Gulistan captures the viewer with her passion. Her influential works such as The Tales of Time, Memory of the portrait, and Wandering in Europe, etc, all express this inner calm which gives repose to the viewer.



Famous curator Hui Shang comments that Gulistan “differs from most artists who are fond of depicting reality by focusing on portraying the past with nostalgia. She is not trying to describe a certain image or event in the past, but rather try to depict their warmth and distance. What she really wants to portray is the passage of time, Gulistan’s work is all about fading colors and the past that is not retraceable. For the artist, even the most profound thoughts and wise opinions cannot be compared with the colour tones which bring her so much excitement. Gulistan’s work is not about what she paints, but rather the nostalgic and warm feelings which the past evokes in us.”



Celebrated art critic Yongbai Tao once said about Gulistan’s paintings that : “her works have a soul of their own. Everything fades with time, but their spirits remain immortal. That piety and purity reflected from her works are immortal. Her works transcend daily objects and become spiritual. even god-like. Einstein once said that the most important thing is to see whether a scientist, an artist, has the divinity of life. Only with that divinity can the artist become truly brilliant.   “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world.”



The respected painter Yang Shang comments on Gulistan’s paintings saying that:” many of her work are blurred when viewed from afar but very clear when examined closely. Her works, even though they have very few colors, very few lines, affect you and have great impact.”


Gulistan古丽斯坦的艺术创作里有很大的部分是她个人的生命与艺术的对话关系。除了绘画、旅行和电影,音乐和诗歌是Gulistan古丽斯坦人生中的不可缺少的一部分。她认为,绘画是思想沉淀后的产物;而音乐与诗歌更感性、更灵动、更直接。因此她大量从音乐和诗歌中汲取营养,滋润内心,以获得理性和感性的平衡。Gulistan古丽斯坦有一首名为《心象》的诗,她写到:我试图用我的绘画表达,但却不尽能够,需要音乐和诗歌注入它更多的灵魂旋律, 我在自己的生活和艺术中寻找——寻找—— 我在寻找驱使我进行的心灵旅行。人们都将艺术视作心灵的图象,Gulistan古丽斯坦绘画艺术反映了她多方面的精神经历,丰富多元的精神生活和她所接受的多方面的艺术素养。

Gulistan’s process of creation incorporates many of her own discourses about life and art. Other than painting, traveling, and watching movies, music and poetry is integral to her life. She believes that painting is the aftermath of thought and music and poetry are more free spirited and more direct. Therefore, she acquires much inspiration and nourishment from music and poetry in order to reach the balance between senses and feelings. Gulistan wrote a poem named The Imprint of Heart in which she writes: “I try to describe with my paintings, but I can’t. I need more music and poetry to give my soul to my work. I search, I wander in my own life and amongst the arts, and I am looking for my motivations in this journey of soul. People see art as the visualisation of the soul and Gulistan portrays several aspects of her soul in her work.


Gulistan古丽斯坦之前有过很多关于“记忆”题材的系列作品,在谈到创作灵感时她说 “我用绘画完成《记忆的性质》记忆是人们相会的一种形式,艺术应该是帮助人们牵动一些记忆的思考,那些记忆中的气息,痕迹,空间,人类的心灵空间,记忆联系着我们的意识和经历。我一直关注时间、记忆、空间三个方面的问题,因为感觉时间和空间像经纬一样,能帮人们找到那个点,那个线索,人类逃不出时间和空间所编结的轮回之花,但是心灵可以放飞。我在自己的生活和艺术中寻找,我通过绘画、音乐、诗歌表达着,在这个变幻的空间里,用我的心灵去寻找智慧,这是我心灵力量的源泉。”随着时间的逝去,记忆变成一种追随。在Gulistan古丽斯坦的作品中记忆、时间,空间又是跨时空的、交叉的,它们都好像是穿插的、跨越时空的,就慢慢形成了她的《记忆的性质》系列。

Gulistan has explored the theme of memory in many of her artworks. When talking about creativity, she says, “I use art to bring people together. They connect us to remembrance and to realization. I always focus on three aspects: time, memory and space because I feel like that time and space is just like the latitude and longitude- we can always find the point using them. We cannot escape the lines as human beings, but our souls can. And I am looking for my escape through art.” As time fades, memory becomes another form of following. In Gulistan’s works, times and spaces come together, crossing each other constantly and are presented in her series of works The Essence of Time.

作者Gulistan古丽斯坦 作品名称《记忆的性质》Essence of Memony 系列 年代:2006 材质:布面油画Oil on Canvas 尺寸:35x27cm


Gulistan paints everything that deserves to be remembered, whether it is a reflection of her own youth or the once prosperous ancient civilizations. Her works depict ideas that far exceed her own life experience. Unlike many modern artists who seek post modernism, Gulistan tries to avoid digitalized pictures and so, to recall the past, her drawings refer back to the classical period. Her paintings not only incorporate elements from medieval European architecture and mosaic, but also encompass skills used in early Renaissance’s frescos. Without memory, life and history are forgotten, without any nostalgia or appreciation so Gulistan aims to evoke among viewers a respect for the past. Her paintings are always profoundly emotional, a monologue, with many human qualities: freedom, meditation and free spiritedness.




Creativity is a discovery of human potential

Gulistan says that “music is a very important element in my life, apart from art. Music is more difficult to understand than art. Dance is transient, painting can leave physical results, only music is untouchable and yet can move human beings to tears. Jazz is Gulistan’s muse. Bach’s music brings her devotion, Ravel’s piano brings her waves of emotion, and she combines all these responses when creating her paintings. Therefore her work gathers all these elements into one single moment, which then becomes eternal.


艺术并不是呈现可见的东西,而是把不可见的东西呈现出来,它可以通过一种轻松的方式让我们来了解我们自己,它表达的就是个人的情感,给艺术家音乐家自由和力量让他们发出自己的声音,但是要求更多的个人以外的东西积累,它总是处于改变之中,他旋转着,移动着,在时间和空间中运动着,寻找着被照亮的的线索,寻找“情节”背后的蕴涵,在寻找和我们自己的生命息息相关的某种“真谛” 去寻找自己灵魂的旋律,在音乐旋律中她能深切的感受到“心灵的呼吸”……

Art is not to show things we can see, but rather to depict things we cannot see. It enables viewers to become more introspective. Art is always at change, between times and spaces, looking for the enlightened traces, and looking for our souls.Art does not exist to show things we can see, but rather to depict things we cannot see. It enables viewers to become more introspective. Art is always about interchange, between times and spaces, looking for the traces of enlightenment and looking for our souls.




Architecture is music made flesh, a three dimensional poem

We see many works of architectures in Gulistan’s Wandering in Europe series. The artist believes that architecture is musicmade flesh, a three dimensional poem. She believes that architectures houses poems, and poems house souls. Great architecture creates a poetic environment, essential to the creation of civilization and culture. Gulistan wanders between paintings and music, portraying her endlessly searching nature. Music soothes her heart and spreads warmth in her soul, which she tries to describe in her work.



In Gulistan’s world, art is her way of communication. Music and poems engage her emotions, movies and architecture broaden her horizons and traveling is her process of introspection. All these elements are essential for her in becoming an artist.



Gulistan古丽斯坦绘画艺术的生命意义   上海交通大学欧洲文化高等研究院/巴黎欧亚研究院生命艺术现象学研究中心






Gulistan古丽斯坦的作品如同波德莱尔所说,“流淌着活灵活现的想象力的运作流程,就好像把天上隐含的神秘景象重新呈现在绘画中”,具有强大的诱惑力,将观赏者导入动人的韵琴悠扬的童话世界,并在那里品尝可以随时缓缓转化的审美快感。其实,真正的艺术作品,不应该是固定不变的形式结构,它应该包含丰富的反思性和再生产能力,浓缩着艺术家心胸中始终运动着的内在灵魂,同时又展示艺术家心潮起伏的情感波涛,并以艺术家特有的风格表达他的 生命意志及其审美欲望。艺术家的所有活跃的创作情感,就应该像萤火虫的闪闪荧光,既温暖了观赏者,引发他们的再生产的想象力,又能够激荡人们的超越情感,试图探索新的可能世界。对于一位至诚投入的观赏者来说,面对Gulistan古丽斯坦的作品,就会不由自主地沉溺于沁心温柔的韵律世界中,在艺术品迸发出来的动人旋律的伴奏中,悠悠然往来于过去现在未来的多维度时空之中。

一位艺术家要善于把自己的情感意志融贯入创作运动中,同时还要善于通过熟练而奇妙的艺术技巧,包括机敏地运用特殊的绘画语言,使作品成为自身内在情感的结晶 体,使之随时可以与他人对话,同时又频频复生和更新。这样一来,艺术家的生命力就融贯于他的艺术作品中,他的作品也因此而获得可以永远复生的生命力。






艺术家在作品中渗透着自己的生命风格。真正成功的艺术家都是形成自身生命风格的人。什么是风格?风格是艺术家自身生命在其艺术作品中的直接流露;它以无形的 氛围和精神力量,表达出艺术家创作的生机和情趣,是艺术家的灵魂的直接体现。但另一方面,由于艺术作品免不了都要借助于语言来表达,所以,所谓风格,实际上又是艺术语言的多样化游戏。艺术语言是一种无声的和形象的语言,曲折地表现在艺术作品的每一个细节中,也体现在艺术作品的整体结构中。艺术家往往是杰出的诗人,他们的精神世界乃是诗的海洋。正因为这样,将艺术家、诗人、思想家三位一体的中国清初画家石涛曾在一幅画上留下惊人的跋:“画到无声,何敢题句”。在石涛等人那里,艺术语言已经成为他们对氤氲流荡生命的至诚钟爱之盛情的自然流露。






风格往往自然地将作品中试图表达的语言,引向“他处”,即引向作品之外,引向作者、读者和鉴赏者的心灵内部,然后又把他们的心灵引向一个不可预知的可能的世界。正如罗兰·巴特所说:“作为一种自然,语言是在不给予任何形式的情况下彻头彻尾地贯穿于作家的话语之中。…因此,语言是在文学之外”(La langue est comme une Nature qui passeentièrement à travers la parole de l’écrivain, sans pourtant lui donner aucuneforme. … Lalangue est donc en déςà de la littérature)。但是,与此相反,一旦文学性文字显现出纯粹的形式的时候,面对这种虚空形式而引起的恐惧不安,又在不知不觉的情况下,引导文字本身设法寻求一种类似于自然秩序的新秩序;然而,这种由作家本人无意识地表现的新秩序,恰恰又具有社会和历史的性质。这就是所谓的‘风格’或‘文风'(Mais au contraire, à partir du moment oùl’écriture littéraire s’est manisfesté comme forme pure, l’effroi devant levide de cette Forme la conduit à constituer un nouvel ordre, qui est analogue àcelui de la nature, alors qu’il est pourtant entièrement social et historique,c’est le style)。


因此,文风是什么?罗兰·巴特又说:“文风几乎是在文学之外;它是一堆图像、一种语言口才和谈吐风格,一种词汇累积;它们源自作家的身体及其过往历史,并逐渐地演变成作家的具有自动化性质的个人技艺。因此,采取文风的形式,文风乃是一种自给自足的语言,它深深地隐含在作家的个人神话之中”(Le style est presque au-delà de lalittérature : des images, un débit, un lexique naissent du corps et du passé del’écrivain, et deviennent peu à peu les automatisme mêmes de son art. Ainsi, sous le nom destyle, se forme un langage autarcique, qui ne plonge que dans la mythologiepersonnelle de l’auteur)。文风向语言秩序导入一种历史动力,因为它在公共语言的文化平面上导入一直自然的深度(Le style introduit une dynamiquehistorique dans l’ordre de la langue parce qu’il introduit une profondeurnaturelle dans l’horizontalité culturelle de la langue commune)。






1957年考入北京大学哲学系本科并于1962年毕业,1962至1966年为北京大学哲学系研究生,毕业后工作于中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所任研究员,1978年赴法国巴黎第一大学攻读哲学博士,同时以艺术史为第二研究方向,受巴黎大学东方艺术史专业尼格尔教授(Vandier-Nicolas Nicole)指导专攻东方艺术史,并在尼格尔教授负责领导的《中国哲学与艺术思想的研究计划》(1983-1989)中,负责研究东方艺术与哲学的部分,其成果发表在法兰西大学出版社出版的《哲学大百科全书》(Encyclopaedie Philosophique Universelle. Paris: Presses Universitaires deFrance. 1996)第三卷和第四卷。1983年获博士学位后,应时任巴黎国际哲学研究院院长的德里达的聘请,任教与研究于法国巴黎国际哲学研究院,1984-1988年任法国国家科学研究中心政治哲学研究所兼巴黎第十大学教授;1988至2002年,在继续留任法国国家研究中心研究员的同时,任台湾东吴大学社会学系教授;2002至2004年任北京大学、中国人民大学及中央民族大学访问教授;2004-2010年7月被聘为同济大学特聘华裔法籍专家,同时担任同济大学欧洲文化研究院院长兼法国思想文化研究所所长。

目前的研究重点方向为:(1)当代法国哲学、(2)德国哲学史、(3)当代社会理论以及当代艺术评论。著有《毕加索与当代艺术》,人民出版社,2014年、《后现代:思想与艺术的悖论》,北京大学出版社,2013年;《对话》(Le Dialogue与法国科学院院士程抱一合著),北京大学出版社,2011年;《德国哲学概观》,北京大学出版社,2011年;《当代政治哲学》,两卷本,人民出版社,2010年;《德国哲学通史》,三卷本,同济大学出版社,2007年;《萨特的密码》,同济大学出版社,2007年;《后现代论》,中国人民大学出版社,2004年以及《论后现代艺术的不确定性》,台北唐山出版社,2002年,前后共发表35部专著及中外文学术论文多篇。



记忆中的肖像—梦里一片金黄  The portrait in the memory  随着时间的流逝,记忆变成了一种追随。As time goes by, memory is becoming a kind of following.


视觉的智慧 The wisdom of vision 文化的智慧 The wisdom of culture

Gulistan古丽斯坦 用“寂静”来发声的艺术家,她的作品里充满了宋词的意境,混合欧洲古典文化的韵味、对生活有着充沛的感情,作品中流露出“音乐性和诗性”。

Gulistan is an artist speaking out with “Silence”. Her works are filled with the artistic conception of Ci poetry of the Song dynasty, combing the charm of European classical culture, having abundant feelings of life, showing the musicality and poeticity.



I am looking for the thinking on time and life in painting creation, looking for the mysterious distant place, telling about the legend of time, the nature of memory, the portrait in memory in the wilderness of mind. Time and memory are like a ray of light which become bright and clear. Time and space are constantly confluence in the picture. In the ethereal implications, colors convey a kind of thing that is remembered or memorized.

Gulistan古丽斯坦的世界里却不全都只是画。绘画只是她的表达方式,音乐和 诗歌也是她的情感之源,而她的所有情感的基础,却是对时空的思考。

Before I met Gulistan, it is hard to imagine that as a painter, it’s not entirely paintings in her world. Painting is just her way of expression. Music and poems are the sources of her emotion while the basis of all her emotions and feelings is the thinking on time and space.


Under the thinking of Philosophy, she combines all sorts of art categories such as the poems, music, movies with painting and presents the art creations with more complete freedom.

Gulistan 2013 in Beijing Poster

Sunday, August 4th, 2013


Gulistan 2013 in Beijing 古丽斯坦 2013 个展 “忆-潜痕”北京马奈草地美术馆”

Gulistan 2013 in Beijing 古丽斯坦 2013 个展 “忆-潜痕”北京马奈草地美术馆”

2013 in Beijing Gulistan古丽斯坦个展 “忆-潜痕”北京马奈草地美术馆”

Sunday, August 4th, 2013



国家当代艺术中心专家委员会委员、中国美协理事、《美术》杂志执行主编 /  









作者Gulistan古丽斯坦品名称《品-花语》A Taste of the Flower   年代:2006   材质:布面油画Oil on Canvas   尺寸:107x140cm

Recall – Faint Traces

– Preface to the Exhibition of Works by Gulistan


As an artist who devotes to express memories, Gulistan sets herself apart from the majority of artists of her generation who are dedicating in depicting reality. However, what she depicts are not the persons or matters living in her memory, but the attempts of tracing the time length of the memories. If the images in her artworks were merely tipping points of those happened events, what her expression is the path from that moment till this moment.. The days lingered are the authentic world that she tries to reveal.

It was those memorable remarks, being part of herself grown-up traces and the reminisce of past prosperity of human civilization, differentials her from other feminine artists who indulge in exposing privacy and advocating obscurity. The dancing shoes, piano keyboards, scripture classics… why do these articles that accompanied her in her youth appear with the niches for a Buddhist statue, frescos and churches? These articles are the faint traces of the past human civilization rather than her personal attachments. The graceful dance and rhymed melody remained with her grease incent, while drifting away was the traces for the camels along the distant Silk Road, frescos on the walls, and moon on the boards, which are actually beyond her personal experience of her life span.

Different from those lucidity pursuers in art, Gulistan keeps tracing the ancient days through her painting brush’s end. She shows the vestiges being worn away by time. What excites painters or make them feel warm is not a profound thought or wise idea, but the color tones, lines, and styles of drawing. We may forget the images of Gulistan’s works, but we will never forget the soft and plaintive ash-gray tone that evokes our memories. She harmonizes the tone with the conception perfectly, as though she composes the melody reserved in her memory, with a mirage and a touch of sadness.

Gulistan is a survivor of the image invasion in the Internet age, which sets her apart from the avant-garde artists who always run to catch up the postmodern culture. As her recollecting the past time, she also explores the modern quality of arts in classicism by making her subtle works pervaded by the European elements of the Middle Age such as architecture, frescos and musical and other instruments, deriving the painting skills for the frescos of the early Renaissance and pursuing primitive simplicity with the combination of propylene and paint. She appoints her most pure charcoal sketches and paintings as fairies to look for the misty images in her memory. Through her painting style, we can understand her unique cultural hybridity and personality, which the camera lens cannot capture. What drives her to seek for the philosophy of modernism in the classical art is her instinct.

What is memory? In pathology, memory is the twisty indents in the sulcus, which are image fragments with the melody of emotion released unwittingly by human. They draw the annual rings of a person, and compose the history of human. If there is no memory, the history and our life shall lose its division. What Gulistan depicts is the fainted traces that continuously evoke our images in our lives and history.

As on July 23, 2013, at 22 International Art Plaza


Gulistan 2012 in Taipei

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Gulistan 2012 in Taipei

Gulistan 古丽斯坦2012 in Taipei-Art Revolution Taipei 2012

Art Revolution Taipei 2012

Gulistan 2012 solo exhibition in National Taiwan Normal University -国立台湾师范大学

Gulistan 2012 solo exhibition in National Taiwan Normal University -国立台湾师范大学

 Gulistan 2012 solo exhibition in National Taiwan Normal University


记忆中的肖像 The memory of the portrait

Gulistan古丽斯坦的创作灵感不仅仅来自东方文化,它也来自许多其他文明 …以通向灵性、自由、创造性的纯正艺术,她作品中那种纯粹和优雅风格,是远处的一盏明灯…… Gulistan古丽斯坦创造出了一种既属于自己这个时代又“属于所有时代”的艺术作品。






Gulistan and her art

The paintings of Gulistan are unbounded by conventional painting techniques. Nor are they limited by popular themes or the codification of visual symbolism. She seem to travel unrestrained in a liberated realm. Her paintings, bearing her unique understanding of life, appear evanescent in the ashes of memory. They are the representation of the image of her mind.

Gulistan merges herself into her paiting, her thoughts swirling in the current of passing time, depositing into the subtle variations of texture and color.Thes transformations eventually gather as a space of thoughts. In this boundless space she gathers the fragments of memory,erasing the dust on them accumulated in time.She harkens to their silent utterances,and responds the them from the depth of her mind.Thus she collects in her paitings the emblems of memory made from time–frail yet steady, sensitive and meaningful, real and wonderous. Gulistan’s paiting dwell there quietly, as if endowed with life, as if waiting to be discovered….

Date&time:March 24~29,2012

Venue:National Taiwan Normal University

162,Heping East Road Section 1, Taipei, Taiwan







Gulistan's Art studio


Gulistan 2012 solo exhibition in National Taiwan Normal University-国立台湾师范大学5

古丽斯坦Gulistan2010 Solo Exhibition in Shanghai

Monday, June 14th, 2010

Gulistan2010 Solo Exhibition in Shanghai




`I am like the road in the night

Listening to the footfalls of its memories in silence

Tagore, Stray Birds





writer: Kaimei



一张异国情调的床,一匹浮在空中的马,平静的画面上像是什么都没有发生,但隐约之中又感到该有什么要发生的。古丽的画让我想到荷兰画家唯梅尔( Johannes Vermeer ) 的经典的室内作品,着黄裙的女子把牛奶缓缓地倒入钵中,站在窗口的女子静静地展开信札。在这些沉默的静物中我们感受着一个个充满个人经验的故事在阳光下慢慢展开。对物品的迷恋是要在注入同它相关的情节和故事之后升华成同我们记忆对话的怀旧情节[1]古丽在她的画中展开的正是这样一种和记忆有关的,和时间有关的经历和体验。

古丽的出生地是中国丝绸之路上的一颗明珠,中原文化,波斯文化,罗马文化及伊斯兰文化在这里交汇着,古丽作品中的形象血缘也是交融自由的,如同她维,汉交融的神秘血统, 古丽用艺术记录下来的正是自己穿梭在回忆中的感怀,衔接到她个人文化根性的敏感,对那些已经消失了的形象的再现[2]。但古丽是艺术家,不是社会学家,在她以绘画为媒介重创自己记忆的性质的时候,她更是一个造梦者。在古丽的艺术世界里,意念和想象,连同回忆和梦都被她有意识地用让自己舒服的形态改造过后,又以一种近乎无意识的涂抹和拼接表现出来的。弗洛伊德将梦解析为我们的未能实现的情感欲望掩盖在潜意识下的表现,而我们眼下情感欲望的遗憾无不纠结着我们童年时代的记忆。在古丽不想走出去的记忆的天空下,所有触及她内心感受的艺术形式-绘画、音乐、诗歌和舞蹈都是她营造自己梦的空间的元素。所以阅读古丽的画你也应该像她一样敞开心怀,用眼睛去思考,用耳朵去聆听,让你的想象力在古丽画面上沉淀着历史和记忆的花园里信马由缰地随意走走。


[1] Susan Steward, On Longing: Narratives of the Miniature, the Gigantic , the Souvenir, the collerctio, Durham and London, 1993. P138

[2] 古希腊哲学家柏拉图将记忆定义为“对已不存在事物的再现”。


About the writer: Kaimei is an independent art writer and curator. She has a MA on contemporary art in the Sotheby’s Institute of Art. She has lived near the North Pole for many years before she relocated to the equator for a change. She lives with her family in Shanghai now.

I would like to invite all of you to my solo Exhibition in Shanghai June 19th 3:00pm at M Art Center, I am pleased to share all my new artworks with you, Hope to see you in Shanghai.

Venue: M Art Center, Building No 2
Mogan shan Road No.50, Shanghai
Exhibition Period: Tune 19th- July 4th



Gulistan and Yorgos — Encounter Between the Notes

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

Let me invite you to my upcoming exhibition in Beijing. I hope you will join me for the opening reception. It will be a wonderful time to share my artwork with you and introduce you to the work of my friend Yorgos, a very special Greek artist living in Beijing.


March 27th — April 8th, 2007


Opening reception: Thursday, March 29th, 6:30 pm

Beijing Today Art Museum, 3rd floor
北京今日美术馆 三层

Address: No.32 Baiziwan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: 010-5876 9397
联系电话:010-5876 9397

Organized by Beijing Today Art Museum.


[Gulistan and Yorgos ecard]

Exhibition Concept

This is a meeting between two painters of disparate origins; one hailing from Greece in Mediterranean Europe, the other born in Xinjiang in the extreme West of China, both now sharing the reality of living and working in Beijing.

While their art has similarities that immediately strike the viewer, such as the palette of colours they use, their common interest in texture and patina, and a certain poetic quality, it also has many disparities. Gulistan seems to follow a more thematic approach in her latest work, constantly travelling between tradition and modernity. Yorgos, in his Beijing work, seems particularly influenced by the surroundings and notably the “cinematographic” character of the Chinese reality.

So what is the driving force behind their meeting and the common base for their exchange?

To answer this question, one has to look carefully beyond the disparities of representation in their paintings. One has to concentrate on the rhythm of their work and to “listen” to the music ever present below the surface of their paintings.

In fact, their common passion for music is an important driving force of their art. It makes their meeting not only possible, but also complementary and creates an intriguingly harmonious experience for the viewer.

作者Gulistan古丽斯坦 作品名称《记忆的性质》Essence of Memony  系列   年代:2006  材质:布面油画Oil on Canvas   尺寸:35x27cm





其实,他们对音乐所共有的激情才是他们艺术的内驱力, 或许就是这样,艺术只对能够在心弦上引起震颤的人传递出音符,时间和空间只为心灵而“存在”,“存在”也只因心灵产生意义。

Map to Today Art Museum

[Today Art Museum Map]

A Group Exhibition in Beijing

Friday, December 15th, 2006

I have a group exhibition with 13 other artists, this Sunday, December 17, at 3 p.m., at Oriental Yuanxiang Gallery in Beijing. Below is a map to the gallery. Their phone number is 6737 6315, so when you take a taxi, you can let the driver ask the gallery for directions.

Hope to see you there 🙂

[Oriental Yuanxiang Gallery map]

My Book and Upcoming Exhibition

Friday, May 5th, 2006

[Gulistan's Artbook, ISBN: 988-98707-1-1]I am happy to announce that my book has been published! It contains many articles about me, my poetry, and of course, my artwork. 160 pages. ISBN: 988-98707-1-1. Copies are available for sale at the National Art Museum Bookstore (Beijing).

The book goes hand in hand with my upcoming solo exhibition. It will begin on Saturday, July 1, 2006 at 4 p.m. and will be held at Spring Hanmo Gallery in Shanghai until July 26.

I hope to see you at the exhibition’s opening in Shanghai. There will be a jazz party that night.

Update: The solo exhibition now begins on July 1st.

L’Officiel May 2006

Friday, May 5th, 2006

L'Officiel Cover May 2006 ThumbnailThe “New Forces” article in this month’s L’Officiel features me and three other artists. My section is entitled “Gulistan: Dancing with Colour and Soul“. You can find it on pages 240–241. I hope you will check it out. 🙂


Monday, March 13th, 2006

Welcome to my new website! I am very pleased that you have come to visit. Please feel free to have a look around at the gallery of my photos and artwork. Also, there’s an article about me as an artist that you can read.

– Gulistan