Archive for June, 2018

Review article

Friday, June 29th, 2018

Li Dawei

Famous Conductor


The most touching thing about Gulistan’s paintings is the pure sense of tranquility and harmony that is far away from the chaos of the world. It contains the aesthetics of European music in the 17th century, and the balanced and harmonious counterpoint of the Renaissance church music master Palestrina seems to be on paper. The vivid works of this different series are a modern person’s memory and nostalgia for that glorious era. The mind seems to transcend the barriers of time and space, cruising in a higher dimension. Gulistan’s paintings have the breath of musical syntax, accentuated pauses, and more blank spaces like large rests. The connection and transition of music and sound, shuttle between the light and shadow of color, showing a driving force of inner growth. It seems to be a frozen picture, as if it is a flowing music, silently evolving in the midst of history. In silence, it slowly settles into a unique portrait of Shen Yun. Did you notice that look? What this gaze contains is the simplicity and cleanliness of human nature inherited from Giotto and Raphael; it is the pursuit of a free spirit that transcends the instinct of Beethoven and Delacroix; it is Mozart’s pursuit of the world. sympathy and nostalgia; the whimsy and vigor of Schumann and ETA Hoffmann. Everything is contained in the harmonious and beautiful picture, which is fascinating.


Friday, June 29th, 2018



